The quest for proof of the paranormal goes deeper than ever – Deep South that is. "Deep South Paranormal" follows a bayou-based team on a mission. Steeped in the rich history of their homeland, they want to unlock the mysteries that have baffled Southerners for years. They are a homegrown blend of self-proclaimed rednecks who share a passion for this part of the country and the paranormal events that take place there. They take on anything from swamp apparitions to haunted plantation houses and Southern voodoo legends. The fun-loving charm of these larger-than-life characters becomes deadly serious when it comes to their investigations, which deal not only with the hazards of paranormal phenomenon, but with physical dangers like gators, snakes, spiders, wild hogs, and mosquitos. Investigations this season include Alabama’s Bear Creek Swamp, the Old Cahawba ghost town, Florida’s Manntown Cemetery and the Mont Helena Plantation in the Mississippi Delta, to name just a few.